How Do I Keep My House Warm?

How Do I Keep My House Warm?

It is that time again! The leaves have fallen, the holidays have past and what are we left with? A cold house – burr. Luckily there are 10 Simple Steps you can take to keep warm and snuggly inside. Let the Sun Shine During sunny days, open the curtains and let some...
Air Purifiers – When to Replace the Filters

Air Purifiers – When to Replace the Filters

Are you using an air purifier to help keep the air in your home clean or to help reduce the symptoms of allergies or asthma? If you are, does your air purifier operate with an air filter? If it does, do you know when your air filter needs to be replaced?...
Let’s get the Muggy Meter!

Let’s get the Muggy Meter!

When it is hot outside, and it is raining, chances are, you will feel the humidity. Before you let the moisture inside, consider if you want it inside. The ideal indoor humidity level ranges between 30 to 50 percent. An excess of humidity can cause many problems in...