Heating & Cooling Resources
Top 3 Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality
Whether you are gathering for the holidays, a special occasion or just a family dinner, the topic of the air we breathe has come up a time or two. While most people are mindful of the air quality in an airport, on a plane, a store or a restaurant, the air quality in...
7 tips to make sure your HVAC is Spring Ready
It is time to start thinking about spring cleaning and ensuring your HVAC system is ready for the warmer weather. Prepare now to save time, money and possibly a lot of aggravation should your AC system go down in the middle of hot weather. Ensure your HVAC system is...
Oh No! Which Way Does That Air Filter Go?
It happens so often. You take the air filter out and forget to note which way the arrow was pointed. Does it Really Matter? It does! There are right and wrong ways to insert an HVAC furnace filter and air return filters. If a filter is not properly installed, it could...
How Do I Keep My House Warm?
It is that time again! The leaves have fallen, the holidays have past and what are we left with? A cold house – burr.
Air Purifiers – When to Replace the Filters
Are you using an air purifier to help keep the air in your home clean or to help reduce the symptoms of allergies or asthma? If you are, does your air purifier operate with an air filter?
Tips For Working with Heating and Cooling Contractors
Working with contractors can be very stressful, especially when you try to ensure that you have suitable heating and cooling to keep your family comfortable. It does not need to be complicated. If you are prepared and do your due diligence, it honestly will be a cinch.