Working with contractors can be very stressful, especially when you try to ensure that you have suitable heating and cooling to keep your family comfortable. It does not need to be complicated. If you are prepared and do your due diligence, it honestly will be a...
When it is hot outside, and it is raining, chances are, you will feel the humidity. Before you let the moisture inside, consider if you want it inside. The ideal indoor humidity level ranges between 30 to 50 percent. An excess of humidity can cause many problems in...
As with any essential appliance, vehicle, or other important items in your life, maintenance is the key to the life and efficiency of your air conditioning system. Regular inspections, proper maintenance, and thorough repairs when they are needed can help your air...
Oh no!! With all the lovely warm days outside, my windows have been open, so I didn’t realize my AC wasn’t working. What do I do now that it is almost 90 outside? With summer just around the corner, the days are heating up. If you like things cool indoors...
Breathe In, Breathe Out. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. The air is clean, fresh, inviting. Now open your eyes to the beauty of your lovely plants as they welcome you to enjoy their beauty and their oxygen. Breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide....